Some Tips About the Wedding Toast
Planning a wedding means paying attention to a lot fo separate details. Here are some tips on handling the wedding toast. Getting married is such an exciting event. Emotions run high, but there's also a lot of work to do, so it's a good time to use our emotional intelligence. Consider hiring a coach to help you manage it all and be an auxiliary "brain" so you can be freer to experience the moment. A coach can point you to many resources, help you keep it all organized, and lessen that "overwhelmed" feeling. Break it into manageable pieces and as you take care of each item, you'll gain momentum. HERE ARE SOME TIPS ABOUT GIVING THE TOAST A suggested order for toasting during the Rehearsal Dinner is: The best man toasts the bride The bride toasts the groom The groom toasts the bride's mother The bride's father toasts the groom's parents. During the Reception, the order might be: The best man toasts the bride and groom The gro...